Mafia Game Options:
A Mafia game host may set any of the following options:
Blindmafia -- Mafia don't see other Mafia (must combine with mutemafia)
Blindspecial -- extra roles won't be told that they're special; i.e. miller will be told he's a citizen, godfather will be told that he's a mafioso, etc. Tombstones won't announce extra roles.
Celebrity -- one player is not killable at night
Citizenheavy -- normal game, but with less mafia
Corruption -- chance of cop investigations being wrong
Doubledoctors -- double... doctors
Drunkard -- speaks with an impediment
Godfather -- mafia member who always shows innocent to police
Hideoptions -- players who stat the game won't see options
Hyper -- timers are halved
Lonelydoctor -- doctor can't save self
Mafiaheavy -- normal game, but with extra mafia
Miller -- citizen who always shows as guilty to police
Multilynch -- can lynch more than one person per day
Mutemafia -- Mafia can't talk to each other at night, but are informed of who their cohorts are - they vote individually
Neighbors -- 1/5 of innocents are notified of one innocent
Politician -- one player gets two votes
Private -- game requires invitation
Pub -- everyone is treated as a drunkard
Random -- Options are set randomly at game creation
Silentvote -- don't announce lynch votes
Silentsecond -- don't announce nominations/seconds
Tombstone -- roles are revealed at death
Vigilante -- kills once per night on his own -- lastman standing (or tied for last)
Yinyang -- two cops; one's investigations are always wrong Roles in Mafia: